Marco De Sanctis

L'idée qui fût

About Marco

Marco de Sanctis work addresses issues related to the concept of the image and the creative process or construction thereof, through relations that develop between drawing, different techniques and the surrounding environment. Superpositions are followed by patiently realized traits that mark the passage of time and create new memories, new tracks, new images.

Marco De Sanctis presents a series of interventions in space produced during the residency and declined around the theme "L'idée qui fut": organic creations, in life, revolving around the dimension of time as an agent; that time required for the installation itself to be and exist. Occupying different time levels creative moment, appearance, disappearance and fruition make unique and unrepeatable every moment of the life of the work. The series of photographs on display imprint, through the mechanical process of capture of time, the change, and then the birth of the work of art.

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